Stories and bugs grouped by category

Given a list of user stories we group stories and bugs by a custom category field


{{#section '$UserStory' }}

## New features

{{#group 'Custom.Category'}}

{{#each groups}}

### {{$key }}

- {{field 'Title'}}




{{#section '$Bug' }}

## Fixed bugs

{{#group 'Custom.Category'}}

{{#each groups}}

### {{$key }}

{{#workItems orderBy='Title'}}
- {{field 'Title'}}




Work items

1Feature 1Mobile AppUser Story
2Feature 2Web AppUser Story
3Bug 3Mobile AppBug
4Bug 4Web AppBug


New features

Mobile App

  • Feature 1

Web App

  • Feature 2

Fixed bugs

Mobile App

  • Bug 3

Web App

  • Bug 4