Use rollup fields to count work items and sum up work item fields

You can now use a new rollup template syntax to output rollup values

What's in it for you and how does it work?

In a nutshell - if you know how rollup columns work in your backlogs in Azure Boards you already know what the feature enables you to do in Bravo Notes.

Use a rollup helper like {{rollupTotal type='Bug'}} like any other {{field}} helper in the context of a work item that has children.

A few examples

  • Show the number of Stories / PBIs under an Epic
  • Show the sum of numeric fields e.g. Remaining work rolled up from all work items below an Epic
  • Show percent completed based on all work items / all User Stories / all Bugs etc under an Epic
  • Show percent completed based on a field like Story Points of all work items below an Epic

(Instead of Epic this of course also works for other portfolio-level work item type in case you don't work with epics)

What does the output look like?

Below is a simple table of Epics with rollup data. Of course you are free to output rollup values and progress bars anywhere in your template where you would output regular work item fields.

Show me the code

This is the code that generates the table above.

(The code snippet to copy & paste can be found here)

We have updated our docs to include the new helpers

Let me try it now

Just add the code snippet from here, add a few Epics to your Bravo Notes template and see it live with your data today.

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions or suggestions!

⚠️Please note: If you still are on a legacy Team plan (3 user licenses) this feature will only be available for you for a limited period of time. Please upgrade to a Professional plan to keep access to the rollup feature.